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Toby Baker
HS Social Sciences
Amanda Barnum
HS Mathematics Teacher
Anne Bichel
HS Biology/Chemistry/Physics
Rae Bilby
HS Resource Room
David Bledsoe
3rd Grade Teacher
Mark Brewer
K-2 Resource Room
Glenna Bronson
Elementary & Middle School Secretary
Erin Cole
Preschool Teacher
Cloey Conner
PreSchool Paraprofessional/Teacher Aide
Paul Dorathy
Interim Superintendent
Donna Davis
Library Aide
Dan Dehn
Bus Driver
Brianna Derley
3-5 Resource Room
Dalton Fitch
Technology Director/High School Accounting Teacher
Teresa Fitch
Board Clerk
Marcia Flatin
Opaa! Food Service Director
Jennifer Flewelling
Opaa! Food Service Staff
Randy Gales
Title I Teacher
Amy Gilliland
4th Grade Teacher
Kyle Githens
Maintenance Director